EDIT...This post was mostly written prior to the events in Cincinnati that resulted in a truncated Hughes Bowl. I have since made a donation to Demar Hamlin's Chasing M's Foundation in the name of the Ed Hughes Football League. And now for the wrapup....
I decided during the last off-season that we would simplify things. And for the most part, that goal was accomplished. I'm not totally satisfied with the way things went this year but moving forward I believe I can make some tweaks that will move the league closer to being the 'hands-off' experience I'm looking for.
First Things First
I hope everyone understands that the Hughes League is like my cell contract... I've had it long past the minimum required amount of time and it's now considered month-to-month. In the league's case, I'm calling it 'year-to-year'. I'm going to see how I feel about continuing once things are complete.
Changes, the certain kind:
1) We will go to a dedicated tight-end lineup spot for 2023. That's all I know for sure now. How I implement that is something I'm still mulling over. I do know that we won't expand the lineup past 8 players. That leaves questions that I will address below.
2) I will decide on a Wild Card qualification setup and stick to it. The arbitrary decision I made that took away the Rbacks' bye turned out to be a disaster, at least in my mind. Not that I regret allowing the seventh team...the Bliz absolutely belonged in the playoffs as they proved with a Hughes Bowl berth...but if you check how David's regular players (probable starters) performed in the Semi Final week you'd see he would have landed in the title game for sure. The bottom line is that I boxed myself into a corner and the way I chose to get out caused me to step on some toes. Again it's a credit to Dave for the gracious way he handled it.
While I will likely go with all Wildcards being based on record I might make a provision for a seventh WC but with certain, clearly defined parameters... at least a .500 record and scoring more points than all other already qualified WCs.
3) Added Jan 17...I'm going to add a rule or guideline that addresses the situation that occurred this year in our title week. I think I made the best decision for us in the issue of a canceled game but it could have been dicey had the Hughes Bowl been a close game and/or my team had been involved. Hopefully, we never see that happen again but having a rule in place would make me feel better.
4) Added Jan 20... I am going to adjust the price structure to include the cost of the League trophy and other swag that goes to the champion. I can't expect an owner to pay for that stuff as a favor to me (Thanks again, Keith). I will decide on the league's status in the next few weeks and if we come back to MFL I will renew before the price rises. Waiting like I did last year cost at least $30 over the early bird price. Having said that I will ask for league fees without nagging with owners' abilities to access the league switched on when they pay. 2022 was the first season in memory in which every team actually paid the league fee. If we go to a free site I will only bill for the trophy costs.
Changes, the possible kind:
1) The tight-end addition will have an effect on how we select a lineup. There are a couple of options including allowing multiple players at one of the flex positions (RB, REC, TE) or something a bit more balanced. I'm looking at how other leagues are set up and will find the best option. (This may be influenced by the next item.) I've played around with possibilities and there are many, including these and some options based on each:
Everyone's input on the lineup configuration is welcome!
2) I've considered moving on from Myfantasyleague in recent years. I'm considering it more seriously now. I have always valued the site's flexibility and how the appearance can be customized. But I'm not sure I need that anymore, especially since we are moving towards a more standard setup. Multiple sites, ESPN, NFL.com, Yahoo, CBS (and many others) offer free leagues. We could move to one of them and I could quit bugging folks for the $70 to $100 that MFL costs depending on the renewal time.
An added benefit of moving somewhere else would be that we could just select a standard package and let the site sort out standings tiebreaks, playoff qualifiers, and so on. It's very tempting. The downside is I would miss some of the perks of MFL like linking to historic stats, and the ability to add pages like Champions News, the Ed Hughes Memorial page, and on and on. OTOH I had such a struggle with all that stuff earlier this year I might be better off just letting it go or finding some alternative way to allow access to them
For a few years, I've been thinking about a couple of scoring tweaks. But with the other changes we've been through I had put it on the back burner. So...
3a) You may have noticed that our top scorers (and it goes pretty far down the list and back several years) are quarterbacks. I'd like to get to a more balanced system. The new 'industry standard' for QB yardage scoring is one point for every 25 yards as opposed to what we use, a point per 20 yards. It wouldn't be an earth-shattering change but it might move us closer to having balanced positions. For example.. a 300-yard game currently is worth 15 points. At one point per 25 yards, a 300-point effort would yield 12 points. Not anything game-changing but it would reign in a few of the outliers among the QBs and bring their scoring closer to other positions. A different and much more radical variation is explored next...
3b) Consider this: Your RB gains 69 yards. Good for six points. Your opponent's RB gets 70. That'll net him seven points. Should one yard (or lack thereof) mean a full point difference? I dunno, you tell me. If we went to fractional scoring (0.1 per yard for RB/WR/TE) the guy with 69 yards would gain 6.9 points for his team, and the player with 70 picks up 7 points. That can make a significant difference spread over six starting lineup spots. It's definitely something I'm considering. I've never liked fractional final scores but now that we have half-point PPR it hardly matters, the mold has been broken.
To take this further, to include passing yards, we could go to .04 per passing yard. I'm leaning toward changing both rushing/receiving yards and passing yards to fractional scoring...or keeping everything in 10/20 (or 25) yards per point scoring. I don't think doing one and not the other makes sense. Scores will end up looking like 123.56 to 112.97 but I long ago gave up on making final scores look like real football.
EDIT (Added Jan 7)
I had time so I played around with some numbers. The chart below shows variations in scoring based on the above paragraphs. I used a close game, this season's Week 15 WC game between the Bliz and Rbacks. (You can click the graph to enlarge it, btw) The first column is the game's actual scoring. The second column (green) is how the scores would be if we gave the quarterbacks 1 point per 25 yards as I'm considering for next year. The next two columns are how the game would have played out in fractional scoring for all players. In both the blue and red columns we award 0.1 points per rushing and receiving yard. In the blue column, the QBs get .04 points per yard, essentially equivalent to a point per 25. In the red column, they get .05 per yard which corresponds to a point per 20 yards as is currently the case in the Hughes.
None of the results change the winning team. But they do affect the margin of victory. Interesting stuff, at least to me.
4) I may go in and revise (and streamline) the tiebreaks. I've messed with them a few times in recent years but I still find them somewhat confusing, probably because they are the NFL's tiebreaks and some parts don't apply to us. I want simple, straightforward rules.
5) This blog may go away. I don't feel like the return is worth the effort, kind of how I felt about my Texans seats. 😕 I can communicate just as well with the messages on the front page of the site (if we remain with MFL) or through emails.
6) Added Jan 20... I've played around some with the possibility of carrying over unused waiver cash from one year to the next. I've been in a couple of leagues where this was the norm and it adds a little spice to the waiver situation. It's also possible to accomplish with the flip of one option switch in the league set-up so it's not something I would have to track. Doing that would be a deal-killer for sure.
I will be contacting the Houston-based owners real soon about a meet-up to present Paz with his trophy and in general to shoot the breeze. The day before the Super Bowl, Saturday, February 11th is a possibility (or sooner?). now confirmed. I'm looking at possible spots. I always like to find somewhere that can accommodate us either inside or outside depending on the weather. Any ideas?
That's it for now. I'm almost done with the commemorative Hughes Bowl Championship Edition. I will post it on the site under the Champs News tab when it's ready to upload. There is an early version there now. I may have additional announcements as we head towards spring/summer and I decide on league issues. As always I do listen to your thoughts on this stuff. Feel free to drop me an email, etc.
Okay, I can't explain this guy but he's got a great voice.
Happy New Year from my little angel!
Whole lotta info. I like MFL, but i certainly get entertaining a switch. I will say my favorite this is all the historical stuff you just don't get with ESPN, etc. There's so much cool stuff i like looking at here- records, logo history, all that. But I'll support whatever.
ReplyDeleteYou did the best you could in the championship week, commish. That was unprecedented.
I like Balanced Flex or Single TE# 2. I think those make the most sense to me. We should still have to start 2 RBs and 2 WRs minimum.
The scoring is real interesting. I could go any way. Fractional scoring looks ugly but it is more accurate. I guess I've just gotten used to "that's the way it goes" in this league, but I don't think being more accurate is ever a bad thing.
I appreciate your blogs, sometimes i just forget they're there. I'm trying to keep up with it! lol
See you guys this afternoon!