Tuesday, May 14, 2024

And we're back!

Yes, indeed Hughes crew.. we are a full 'Go!' for at least another year. The league page is ready for your inspection, all the data/history links have been updated, the new banner has been tweaked, and a draft date has been VERY TENTATIVELY set for Monday, September 2*.

*=After setting this date I realized that this is Labor Day. That may not work for some people. But we have time to adjust. The normal date would be Tuesday the 3rd but I have something scheduled for that evening. (See the music corner below 👇 )

As promised, there has been only one rule change this year: a reduction to 17 roster spots from last season's 18 with an increase to two IR slots. I hope we can roll along without changes for a few years. 

You can get to the 2024 page with the link to the right or by a simple edit to your bookmark, changing the year to 2024. I will be paying for the league ASAP. And I will ask for fee payments from you sometime soon. Thanks in advance for your prompt attention to that little matter. The cost will be $18 per owner. That's based on my cost as follows...

League Fee to MFL (another price hike from them, this is 'early bird pricing!)....$90
Trophy including engraving + shipping (my average cost over the past four years)....$97
PrimeTime Draft (first used last season, including a $5 returning user discount)...$25
That is a total cost of $212. So calculating each owner fee...$212/12=$17.67

I had considered changing platforms to ESPN but that would involve tweaks and compromises that I'm not anxious to deal with.

I think I'll stay with MFL as long as I can continue to use free hosting services for pics and the data pages I put in the EHFL Links module. Nowadays free internet services are becoming scarce. If I ever have to give up my customization options I might as well go to a freebie site like CBS.com or Fantrax, etc. 

As for this news site...I will continue to post here but maybe not as often as I have in the past. These posts get minimal traction and much of what is here I also send out in emails. Or I may quit emailing and just hope everyone checks here for info and updates. We will see.

If you are contemplating dropping out I'd appreciate a heads-up. Otherwise, get your usual shitty draft prep lists ready and I'll see you in September. 

Oh, and if you have updated contact info please send it my way. 

You may have noticed that this post is chock full of banners. The one up top is a riff on the first banner we had when we ventured online all those years ago. The ones below are some I came up with as I was deciding about returning for 2024. 

This is the one that made the cut...

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