Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Just Random Thoughts. And a Word on Waivers


Waivers Make Me Crazy Dept... I intended to write a 'How To' on the Wednesday waiver claim system. And I may still do it but it'll likely be after this season. I haven't had the time or energy to do it justice. Add to that the fact I can't seem to get a complete handle on it myself. In the meantime, the best advice I can give you is to dig into the Help Section of the website that covers Blind Bidding. This link will get you there.  

The relevant part, the thing that trips most folks up, is discussed in the selection I've reprinted below.

12.Why was I not awarded a player even though I bid higher on that player in my conditional bids?

Answer: The place to view all the waiver results breakdown is on the Transactions > Processed Waivers. There are several reasons why the bid may not be awarded:

  1. You had invalid roster limit.
  2. You exceeded your waiver moves for the week.
  3. You had insufficient funds.
  4. Most commonly, for conditional bidding, you placed the higher dollar player lower in your priority, making them a condition of the above add/drop.

Bids for conditional bidding are awarded first based on highest bid dollar, then priority of the bid group (groups having no priority over each other). If an owners puts a lower $ amount on a higher priority player, this hides that player until the higher condition is no longer valid.
For example:
Team 1: Group 1:
Add Player A for $1 and drop Player X
Add Player B for $5 and drop Player X

Team 2: Group 1
Add Player A for $2 and drop Player Y

Team 3: Group 1
Add Player B for $4 and drop Player Z

When processing the bids the system will process high dollar amounts to low dollar amounts. So it will start at the first priority High bid which is:
Team 3 will win Player B for $4
Next, it will look at the next highest dollar value bid which is:
Team 2 will win Player A for $2
Only then will it ignore Team 1's bid for Player A (as this was outbid), now showing his conditional bid of Player B for $5, but that had already been awarded. 
I botched my own bids last week because I was in a hurry and placed my requests in a single group instead of separate 'rounds' which are not really 'rounds. Or whatever. 🙄

Things... After we dropped off to just two teams breaking the 100-point barrier last week (falling off from a season-high of 9 in Week Six) we are back to seven this week and the Pirates missed by just a few tics... Dan and I combined for 14 lineup submissions in Week 8, The rest of you had 13 combined!! I'm not sure what that says about any of us... 

I'm tracking results (W/L) by lineup configuration (because of course, I am), and here is where we are through Week 8. That's the RB-WR-TE starters on the left with the W/L on the right.
  • 1-4-1    8-4
  • 1-3-2    0-1
  • 2-2-2    0-3
  • 2-3-1   28-26
  • 3-2-1   12-14
We had our closest game of the season finish up on Monday night as the Giants squeezed every possible yard out of Najee Harris and eeeked past the Pirates 100.54 to 99.58 which, for the math-impaired, is a margin of 0.96 points. If I'm reading the NFL's Gamebook correctly Harris' 7-yard run on first down with 2:53 left in the game was the dagger that killed the Pirates. 

That result had repercussions across two divisions as it threw the Kuhlmann into a tie with the Pirates and Bliz both 4-4. It created a logjam in the Barenholtz, three teams are at 5-3. Never get too cocky in the Hughes League, my friends. You're liable to get holes bitten out of the seat of your pants. 


Multiple musical entries this week. These are some great covers I've been saving for a week in which I need a pick-me-up. Ray Charles, Chris Stapleton, Disturbed (yes, Disturbed!), and Amy Winehouse are included. Enjoy. And RIP Ray and Amy

Oh, and check out the world's cutest Witch at the bottom of the post. She was also a Bluey Magic Fairae and who knows what else this Halloween season. But that Witch deal is just so great!


  1. Good lessons there. I'll take $100 of the posting money as my cut

  2. The best part of your post is that cutie granddaughter fixed up for Halloween! It makes 1-7 feel a whole lot better.
