Friday, January 31, 2025

Ahoy Mates! (and meetup details) (and a call for volunteers)

Officially it is not official but it looks to all the world that Jack has this 2nd season thing in his pocket. He's not leading but has several players that the teams ahead of him don't have. I'd do the permutations but they give me a headache these days. In short... Keith is a sitting duck, Dan has an outside chance to stay ahead of his kid, James can't catch the leaders and the rest of us are along for the ride.

While updating the statistical spreadsheets as I do after every season I came across some errors (Oh, the horror!) in my postseason numbers. I decided to just dig into the numbers and start from scratch. It's tedious work made more tedious by the fact that I need to double (and triple) check everything. 

If any of you guys have a free half hour or so I would appreciate a second set of eyes to tabulate some team(s)' postseason record. Here's what this entails... From the updated Postseason results spreadsheet I would ask you to add up the following for a team:

Postseason Appearances (i.e. # of years a team made the playoffs)
PS Games Played
Division Titles
League Titles
W/L for each round as below
  • WC/1st Rd
  • Semifinals
  • Hughes Bowl

I have some teams finished (Flyers, Giants, Strawmenn) but with those teams, I could use a recount LOL You could do a couple of teams if so inclined. If you can help just send word and I will send you the updated Postseason results sheet (the one posted in the Links section of the league page is flawed).  I can send along a tally sheet to make it easier. 

This is all part of revamping and streamlining my stats workbooks. Uploading individual stat sheets to the Links section is a pain and the site I use is quirky. I'm consolidating all my numbers and history stuff into a single workbook which I can email to anyone interested. But that comes later. For now, I just want to get my Postseason numbers correct.

Thanks In Advance!

Now, see below for info on the Houston Meet-And-Greet!

Houston Meetup next Saturday! (Feb. 8)

Let's aim for 2 p.m. at Cactus Cove, the same spot as last year. I plan to get there early and hopefully nail down one of the big tables like we had last year. I also need the time to use the crane to unload my trophy from the flatbed. 🤣 Feel free to come as early as 1:30. CC is on W. 11th just west of Ella Blvd. In case you've forgotten you can check the map for the location. 

Unless I hear otherwise I will be expecting all the Houston guys. The trophy, Hughes News Championship Edition, and maybe Ellis Rose, the Hughes League Queen, will be there!

Be there or be 🀆

The Dukes of September  I wish they would reprise this collab!

"When the seagulls follow the trawler, it's because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea. Thank you very much."  -Eric Cantona, MUFC Legend

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Oh, About Those Dogs...



First to worst is a thing and it bit David this week in the Postseason contest. After grabbing the lead in Week One he dropped to the bottom of the Week Two numbers. He's still in a money spot, though, and as they say in poker, "All you need is a chip and a chair!"

Rick took the permutation reins* and thinks James is going to be difficult to catch. I've been too busy to mess with that sort of task so I'll take his word for it. It's not surprising since James always seems to do well in this thing. Dan as well and his Fish are right there in second.

I had two goals when I decided to crank this up. #1 was to get as many of you guys involved as I could. #2 was to not finish last. At least #1 worked out. 💀

*=According to the googles it is 'reins'. Learn something new all the time.

Houston Meetup!

Targeting Saturday, February 8th. The day before the Super Bowl has become a tradition of sorts. Time and place are TBD but I'd expect it to be around 1:30 or 2ish at a spot on the west side of town.  I thought Cactus Cove worked out pretty well last year so I'm leaning toward returning there but other spots, like one of the On The Kirb locations, NettBar Shady Acres (which I considered last year), or maybe Cottonwood on North Shepherd. I'm open to other suggestions. 

I hope all the local guys can be there.  Stay tuned for finalized details.

Almost forgot Music Corner!

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

How Bout Them Dogs?!

Keep Saturday, February 8th open for our annual Houston meetup! I haven't finalized a location but figure on something on the west side of town as usual, early to mid-afternoon. I hope all the local runners-up can make it!

Now... on to the regular business...

Well, David got off to a nice start in the Postseason Challenge, and he is on top of the pack after a week of Wildcard games. Keith is right on his tail, and then there is a gap to the rest of us. I use the term 'us' loosely as I'm currently trying to find a periscope to see above the water. 

Then again, he has five players out of the NFL Playoffs now. Can the leaders sustain their momentum? It is interesting to see the different approaches to roster building. I took some time and posted the results below, with the eliminated players in red. You'll need to click the table to make it large enough to view. 


Click the table to view it in a larger size!

A few versions of a great song!

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Second Season Essentials

UPDATE...Saturday, Jan 11th:

Looks like we have all eleven teams in the house! Rosters can be viewed after the first kickoff today. Good luck to all and check back here as I will be posting (probably) updates as the NFL Playoffs continue. I'll also have updates on the Houston Get-together. 

UPDATE...Monday, Jan 6th:

The Contest site is now operational. You can pick your players (reminders below). 

The non-NFL Playoff teams have been filtered out so you should only see eligible players on the selection page.

I set the deadline for finalizing your choices for 3:30 CENTRAL Saturday, the kickoff of the first Wildcard game. Please don't cut it that close.  

The league-wide rosters will remain unavailable to view until I flip the switch at the deadline. (or as soon after that point as I can get to my keyboard. 


I thought putting all things related to the Postseason Contest in one place for easy referral would be a good idea. 

The site is here: and is also linked under the banner of the EHFL site.

Here is an outline of how this works:

I will award 2025 waiver cash to two top finishers ($35/$20). If all 12 of us play I'll add a 3rd place award.

Since we had almost a full house of EHFL owners I think we'll add some prize waiver money to the pot. As follows:
  • 1st Place =$35
  • 2nd Place =$20
  • 3rd Place=$10
  • 4th Place = $5
Third and fourth don't pay much but $10 is equal to a bonus Blind Bid claim or a nice kicker for a bid you'd really like to win. The $5 for fourth place will get you a Free Agent. Don't laugh, I picked up Adam Theilen as a $5 FCFS claim and the guy helped me win the league averaging 13+ over the last five weeks. 

You will pick 13 NFL playoff players, 2 QB, 3 RB, 4 WR, 2 TE, and 2 K.

Unlike the old Second Season, you are NOT restricted to two players per NFL playoff team, in other words...
-You can load up with as many players from the Packers, Bills, etc as you want to. Or spread the wealth and cover more teams, it's your call
-You can make changes up to the first NFL Playoff kickoff, but...
-Once the NFL Playoffs start your rosters are locked, no changes for any reason
-We will use the same scoring system as the Hughes League
-No tiebreaks, in the event of a tie I will divide the cash evenly or if more than two teams are involved award a TBD amount to each

Things to know:

Read the message on the Contest site for most of the essential details. 
Also...the site is stripped down as much as possible since all we need is to pick a roster and check scores each week. 

You cannot currently pick a team as I have turned off that ability until the NFL Playoffs are set. 

Once that rolls around here is how you will pick your roster. 

Go to Transactions--->Set Roster
Select your players:
2 QB
3 RB
4 WR
2 TE
2 PK

This screen is almost identical to the one you use to make waiver claims in our regular season. See the screenshot below.

You will be able to make changes to your roster at any time before that first playoff game! a point close to the first NFL playoff kickoff. See the calendar on the site. 

Once you have selected them click the Load Roster button below the player windows.

If you don't select the correct # of players for each spot you'll get an error message when you Load Roster and you'll have to start over. ðŸ˜©

Until the rosters lock you can use the same method to change players on your roster.

MFL says they will filter out NFL teams that are not in the playoffs once the NFL playoff teams are set and Week 18 ends.

Rosters are not visible to other owners until the deadline. 

I will delete any team that hasn't picked a roster by the deadline to keep things tidy and because I'm allergic to zeros.

Pro tips...
Use the team/position/name filters below the 'Select Players To Add' Window.

It would be helpful to have your players listed on paper, do one position at a time, and double-check your work. ðŸ˜€

Lemme know if you have questions!