Officially it is not official but it looks to all the world that Jack has this 2nd season thing in his pocket. He's not leading but has several players that the teams ahead of him don't have. I'd do the permutations but they give me a headache these days. In short... Keith is a sitting duck, Dan has an outside chance to stay ahead of his kid, James can't catch the leaders and the rest of us are along for the ride.
Postseason Appearances (i.e. # of years a team made the playoffs)PS Games PlayedPS W/LDivision TitlesLeague TitlesW/L for each round as below
- WC/1st Rd
- Semifinals
- Hughes Bowl
I have some teams finished (Flyers, Giants, Strawmenn) but with those teams, I could use a recount LOL You could do a couple of teams if so inclined. If you can help just send word and I will send you the updated Postseason results sheet (the one posted in the Links section of the league page is flawed). I can send along a tally sheet to make it easier.
This is all part of revamping and streamlining my stats workbooks. Uploading individual stat sheets to the Links section is a pain and the site I use is quirky. I'm consolidating all my numbers and history stuff into a single workbook which I can email to anyone interested. But that comes later. For now, I just want to get my Postseason numbers correct.
Thanks In Advance!
Now, see below for info on the Houston Meet-And-Greet!
Houston Meetup next Saturday! (Feb. 8)
Let's aim for 2 p.m. at Cactus Cove, the same spot as last year. I plan to get there early and hopefully nail down one of the big tables like we had last year. I also need the time to use the crane to unload my trophy from the flatbed. 🤣 Feel free to come as early as 1:30. CC is on W. 11th just west of Ella Blvd. In case you've forgotten you can check the map for the location.
Unless I hear otherwise I will be expecting all the Houston guys. The trophy, Hughes News Championship Edition, and maybe Ellis Rose, the Hughes League Queen, will be there!
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