As I was waiting for the clock to tick down to the opening of the free agent window this morning I had a thought about the whole process. It really isn't totally fair to just kick open a door and invite folks into the market when some owners may very well be unable to be in front of a computer at any given moment.
I know we have first come, first served waivers during the regular season but this is a different circumstance. During the year the FCFS session is preceded by a blind bid waiver run that is open to all. If you want the week's hot name you have as much of a shot as the next guy, all you have to do is decide on a bid amount.
But this morning it was a matter of who had the time and freedom to jump on the site. I'm retired (as are a few others) so we could be there but not everyone has the same luxury.
I think next year I'll do it a little differently. I will have an initial blind bidding period after the draft. It doesn't need to run for more than a day probably but it will give everyone a fair shot at fixing their fuckups filling out their roster slots. The caveat is that these blind bids will count against your waiver funds for the season. We will follow that with a free FCFS period leading up to the first game. Funds spent during that session will be (as they are now) reimbursed.
The result will be that when you come out of the draft you'll have the opportunity to either bid on the available non-drafted players or wait and just claim guys for free. Take me for example. I wanted Penny of Seattle and would have been willing to bid on him. But I would have had no need to spend funds to fill my kicker slot and could have waited for the 'open' waiver period. All in all I think it's going to be a better, more fair way to do this.
More Stuff... I'm trying to make the $$ adjustments daily as we pick up FAs but if some transaction slips past me and I don't refund your $10 claim fee within a day or so let me know... when I first tried to nab Rashaad Penny today the system through me an error message about an illegal roster and insisted I need a kicker before I could claim anyone. I have the system set to only accept lineups that are legal but I can't find the switch that apparently was thrown that makes full rosters a requirement to make a claim. That is certainly a curveball I wasn't expecting. I'm going to have to look further into that.
I haven't added this back to the rules page but be aware that I will make any changes I think I need to make if the NFL's COVID situation deteriorates. Our 17 & 2 roster regulation for 2021 seems OK for now. Let's hope nothing happens that necessitates a change.
Reprinted for yesterday's email: League costs...I normally ask for $15 a season. That covers my estimated layout for MFL changes, trophy w/shipping, assorted prizes/swag and so forth. Response is always spotty at best and I'm OK with operating at a loss. I get more than my money's worth back in fun. But if you're so inclined my PayPal address is Venmo is @Robert-Andrews-91
Thanks to those of you who have kicked in. And thanks to those who reached out when I was sick last week. I'm much, much better now, credit to the monoclonal antibody treatment I received. I still have a little bit of fatigue and some equilibrium issues but overall I'm good.
Finally... We are less than a week away from the kickoff of our 42nd season. I hope everyone enjoys it. I look forward to kicking your ass in the Hughes Bowl!
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