Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Week Three..and a Cap Tip

Before we talk about the third week of our 42nd season I need to acknowledge those who have kicked in with their $15 (and sometimes more!). I never like to deal with money when it comes to the Hughes League but, OTOH, I'm not enamored with tossing my hard-earned retirement dough out the window. Ideally I'd break even on the deal. I could also do away with the trophy and swag I like to send out from time to time but I think it's fun to do more than update the website and argue with McCallum which is how I spend about 90% of my EHFL-related time.

So again, my deepest thanks to those who have ponied up for 2021. You guys have me about covered now. You're the best.

Speaking of swag...I have stuff under my desk that I will be sending out (at least to the OOT guys once I get my hands on the proper packaging). You Houston guys will get yours at the end-of-the-year get-together. Note to Hogan...I have stuff in a bag with your name on it that I've been holding for so long I forget whats actually in it. One thing I KNOW it's not...a championship trophy! 😆

On to football talk...

Fantasy Football, as we know, is based on preparation, and luck! You have to have more good luck tan bad to win consistently over the course of the year. Case in point...the Flyers-Legends game this past week. I pulled D'Andre Swift out of my lineup just prior to the deadline on Sunday, a move that lost he his 23 points and broke one of my most fervently held beliefs...don't second guess yourself. My normal MO is to set a lineup early in the week and just check for injuries on Sunday. Swift was Questionable but he had the same designation the week before and played his ass off. 

OTOH James had three players carted off the field, two before they could even put up a point and one who only had three! That's about as bad a dose of luck as you can have. If just one of those three had waited until later to go down the result is probably different. Final score 103-96 in favor of the gutless guy. 

The featured game of the week was the Blizzard-Sticks clash. Even with McCaffrey going down early the Bliz were able to hold off Keith's crew by five. And true to form they were the two highest scoring teams for the week, which is super annoying when you are on the short end of the score but would have beaten anyone else in the league. None of the other games were particularly close which is a recurring theme this year. I hope that changes.

I'd be a bit fidgety if i was on 0-3 club now but really it far too early for anyone to throw in a towel on 2021. Especially with the possible 7th playoff spot out there for the taking...In other news I've added a few things to the site All My Leagues, over on the right hand column, will only show up for guys with more than one MFL team. The Monday Night module will return soon. The code is being cleaned up as we speak.

And Finally...

May I present the newest member of the extended Hughes League family. Ellis Rose was born last Tuesday night, a bit early, and a touch undersized, but healthy and happy and absolutely beautiful. Brooks and Ashley are thrilled (as are all the grandparents I assure you).


BTW...that last pic was taken after Ellis heard the score of the Flyers-Legends game!

She joins our first grandchild, Leo Jacob (aka The Price of Evanston), who was born to our daughter Lisa and her partner Daniela on July 28 in Illinois. Leo is shy and has asked to not have his photos posted on the 'net but rest assured that he's quite a handsome little dude. One that hasn't missed too many meals I'd say.

Going from Zero to Two amazing grand-kids in about seven weeks is quite a ride. 


  1. Good looking girl there! :) And ugh, what an unlucky break about my squad this week. Lame. Next time, Commish.
