Tuesday, September 3, 2024

The Circle of Life


Well, our 45th Annual Hughes League Draft has come and gone. First things first...a big Thanks! goes out to Mike and Lynne for hosting again. Great food and good company made for a fun evening. It was nice having Jim and Rick beaming in from the East Coast. My goal is to have everyone 'live' for a draft. Maybe next year. While sometimes it felt like it was dragging, we went just a shade over three hours which is just about the usual length of our drafts. 

Here is the UH contingent from last night at Mike's. We made James take the photo since he refused to be associated with a school with such a shitty football team. 

We had our usual tech issues, some of which were caused by the fact that many of our owners probably find operating a toaster too advanced. Or don't read my emails. Or both. The rest of the issues stem from me not knowing what I'm doing half the time. But we overcame them all. I thought the PrimeTime Draft application worked well once everyone accessed it :::cough:::Jimmy:::cough::: It's made to be used with a true live draft with everyone in the room and the board shown on a big screen but it works fine in our situation. The only issue I see is that the remote use causes a delay in the selection popping up for everyone. But that isn't a dealbreaker and I think the $25 is money well spent. 

And how about a round of applause for Jack Scofield? He drafted coming directly off a work shift on his ship in the Canary Islands (above*) which was immediately preceded by an air trip from Boston via Atlanta and Madrid. That is dedication! 👏

*=Jack sent me this pic of the view from his ship. I deleted the random Canary Island shot I'd used. 

League Stuff...

---First Come First Served waivers are open as of this morning. It ends Thursday at 5 p.m. Central. At that point, your roster is your roster for the weekend. There is no blind bidding this week. Sidenote... I tried to add my kicker using one of the MFL apps while walking my dog and somehow ended up with a random Steelers wideout. 🙄 That's been rectified. Those phone apps are fine for checking scores and other mundane tasks but doing adds/drops always seems like a risk. YMMV

---It doesn't seem that I should have to explain this at this point but I will anyway...we start the following:

  • 1 QB
  • 1 RB
  • 2 WR
  • 1 TE
  • 1 K and...
  • 2 Flex players who can be any combo of RB/WR/TE.

---Please log into the league and let me know if you have any issues. Here is the link:


---Players are locked in or out of lineups once their game kicks off. 

Late edit... I probably shouldn't schedule the FA window for early on a weekday. Working folks (the three of you) are at a disadvantage with that. I don't remember when or why I switched the time (our calendar events generally carry over year-to-year) but I'm sure I had a good reason. I'll try to remember to adjust it next year. 

And Finally...

I think that covers everything. Good Luck to everyone this season. I plan on doing the vast majority of my communication through this news blog. I will email when I post something. You can also check the league site as I post the date of the latest news update under the banner.

1 comment:

  1. Doesn't matter to me when we do waivers, I'm usually looking up sleepers instead of working at work anyway
