Sunday, July 16, 2023

Are Thinking What I'm Thinking?

I've had some time to look at stats from the past year or two. It's pretty obvious that runningbacks are not what they once were. With a two RB minimum lineup I think there are going to be some really disadvantaged Hughes teams going forward. Especially when those bye weeks roll around. 

I'm thinking that maybe we should drop the RB minimum to one and go with two flex spots. The options are outlined in the tables below. Plan 1 is what I currently have in place for 2023. Plan 2 shows the lineup options with a two flex player setup.

You can vote on the league homepage or send me you thoughts here in the replies or via email. I'm leaning (heavily) towards going with the 2 flex option. I'm anxious to hear your thoughts.

Here's my little angel on her recent California vacation. This is her second time to the West Coast. Her grandfather has NEVER been. LOL

1 comment:

  1. I don't see a vote anywhere, but I'm good with either. I haven't had a huge problem with RBs, but I see the argument for diversifying your options. I'd be happy with either choice, and adjust.
