Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Week Two


Welcome to the Week Two postmortem. It was a fairly interesting week as we began to see trends emerge and teams either recover from Week One disappointment or dig themselves into deeper holes. More on that in a bit but first...

The Case Of The Missing Lineup

We had a lineup snafu this past weekend so it's a good time to review how I handle situations like that. If you go to the Rules page (linked here) and scroll to the 'Positions' paragraph you will see the regulation covering these situations. It says I will fill in a lineup for any owner who has an emergency using the recommendations on Fantasy Sharks' page. 

We haven't had a team play without a lineup since early in our first season. As a commish, I really don't want that to happen again if I can help it. If I see that you have not turned in a lineup once the early Sunday block begins I will assume you have an emergency and do it for you. I don't know if Fantasy Sharks is good or bad but I do know they are tied to MFL so a suggested optimal lineup is just a click away.

Having said all that, keep these things in mind...

-I don't spend time with league stuff (or the NFL for that matter) on Sundays the way I used to. I will check my game using an app but I may not see a missing lineup right away. I believe it was close to halftime before I saw the issue on Sunday. 

-I will make attempts to reach you before I jump in. And this is where I screwed up on Sunday. I was trying to text the owner using an old phone number. I have the correct one (I even had a text conversation with him a week ago!) but I was out and about and none of that clicked with me until an hour had passed. 

-If you are on the other end of this situation, i.e. the opposing owner, keep in mind I'm trying to make things work. There isn't much on the line in the Hughes League and we're just having fun. A shout-out goes to the owner on the other side of Sunday's deal who had no problem with losing what could have been a 'walkover'.

Site Stuff:
  • The Live Scoring page should be working as expected. I had the 'scoreboard' graphic linked to last year's site for a bit during Week One.
  • The useful in-season modules like the Monday Report, Team Sked, Lineup Submission,  and Current Waiver Claims have been restored to the front page of the site. I tinker with these from time to time so if you don't see what you're looking for just check around.
  • In the EHFL Links module, I replaced the First Hughes News with the listing of all Hughes Bowl-winning team lineups. I need to clean that one up a bit but I enjoy that sort of stuff.
  • I'm going to try and get to a waiver bidding 'explainer' at some point in the next few weeks. Haven't had the time recently. 
And now a bit about Week Two:

Things always come into focus a bit after two weeks. These are some random observations of mine (your mileage may vary)... the Scofield clan is undefeated and the guys have the two top-scoring teams at this early juncture. Saltwater Power!... if David didn't have bad luck he wouldn't have any luck at all... although McCaffery going on IR isn't the most shocking thing to ever happen... Speaking of bad luck, the Legends lost their tight end (Evan Engram) with a warmup injury that wasn't announced until nearly game time (if at all). With any warning, James could have swapped in Hunter Henry and had a win... average points per team jumped from 92 in Week 1 to 95 in Week 2. Last season the jump was 21 points(!) from 84 to 105. The Week 2 jump of this year and last breaks a trend going back through at least 2018 of points dropping off in Week 2. I have no idea what to make of it... We had a trade last week. I wish we had more of them although I realize that the inability to include future picks in a deal doesn't help. OTOH.. when you could trade future picks we hardly had any deals either... 

The Stones do Waylon!

The late, great George Carlin and his classic take on Baseball vs Football. Always worth a watch

Someone is having fun!

Here's my grandson, Leo (aka The Prince), from Evanston. He's social media averse but I have permission to post his pics sparingly. 

He was promoted to Junior Firefighter when a fire crew arrived the day my daughter's house had a gas line leak. Leo was damn proud of that sticker! LOL

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